What Makes Us Different
Unlike a personal trainer at your average “globo-gym,” Dr. Kabbas’ program is geared towards the specific needs and concerns that are unique to musicians and other performing artists. Each session is specialized for the client on an individual basis, and takes into consideration:
• The performer’s primary modality (ex. specific instrument, voice, conducting, dance, theater, etc.)
• The client’s physical history as it relates to his/her modality
• Common risks and injuries related to the performer’s modality
• The performance season (ex. summer “off-season” preparation needs versus the demands of the December “in-season.”)
• Common fears or concerns about physical activity as a performing artist, coupled with appropriate modifications on an individual basis
• Focus on progress that is most beneficial to the client’s performance and overall well-being, rather than on accomplishing a set number of reps or pushing for solely visual results
*Each session also includes a personalized plan for continued work, which can be done on-site, at-home, or at another location of your choosing!*